Did You Know That The Color Of Your Earwax Can Reveal How Healthy You Are!!!?

The earwax is a body fluid which is a sticky substance that is able to say plenty of things about a person’s health. Scientists explain that the earwax itself is a combination of long-chain fatty acids, squalene, and alcohol. Even though it’s really disgusting, the next time you clean your ears it’s very important to take a much closer look at your earwax.

1.Yellow, wet & sticky

  • This is the most ordinary type of wax for adults.
  • The sticky and wet texture helps to keep the ear canal from drying out and becoming itchy.

2.Bloody wax

  • In case you notice bloody wax you have to immediately get a medical attention.
  • Sometimes, the old earwax looks like a dried blood, but in case there is blood, you might have a perforated eardrum.

3.Wet and runny

  • According to the doctors, it is completely normal if the earwax comes out of our ears now and then, as that is part of the natural cleaning process.
  • Still, if the earwax in large amounts pours out of your ears and if it contains pus or blood, it is an important warning sign that you have a perforated eardrum and you have to immediately seek medical attention.


  • Despite the fact that gray earwax looks unusual, if you see it on your cotton swab, there is no need to worry.
  • Medical experts explain that the gray color of earwax is a result of the ear’s natural cleaning process.
  • However, in case if the wax is dry and brittle and you experience itchiness in your ear, it could be a sign of eczema.
  • If you notice these symptoms, it is highly advisable to visit a doctor.

5.Pale yellow earwax
Pale yellow earwax is common for kids, who produce far more earwax than adults.

6.Dark and thick earwax

  • Stress and anxiety can make our body produce more earwax.
  • Excess sweating can do the same as well, and the excess earwax may block the ear canal and cause further problems.
  • Dark and thick earwax means that you need to learn how to relax and take better personal hygiene as well.

7.Dry, white & flaky

  • This is a completely normal and healthy type of earwax.
  • People who create this kind of wax most often have less body odor than people who produce dark ear wax.

8. Black or dark brown

  • Dark brown or even black can look very scary. But the great news is, there is no need to worry.
  • The dark color may just be the result of an overproduction of wax (like when we’re stressed).
  • It can, in addition, mean that the wax has just been in the ear longer.
  • When it’s removed, the enlarged contact with oxygen turns it a darker color.

9.Sticky & dark earwax
If your earwax has a dark color and is sticky, it means that you’re perspiring far more than the usual.
Other than that, it’s completely normal.

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