Here Are 21 Causes Of Hair Loss!!!

The problem of hair loss is quite common and almost all women face it from time to time. You start to make a hairstyle and see a lot of hair on your comb. You take a bath and you see it in the water and you do not know why this happens. A little later you notice that your beautiful hair is getting thinner and thinner.

Every morning when you wake up, instead of enjoying the new day, you are looking at the pillow with fear. How much more hair was lost at night? Any combing turns into real torment: you have a lot of lost hair not only on the comb but you have to gather the fallen hair from your shoulders and back for a long time.

It is commonly believed that hair loss is a problem that most men face, but women can also suffer from it. Let’s see the causes of losing hair in women and how to deal with, them. To begin with, it is necessary to find out, whether loss of hair is a pathology.

However, if hair growth slows or, for some reason, you began to detect your hair on the pillow in the morning, this is an occasion to reflect on the causes of losing hair and begin to take measures to combat this phenomenon. Look at the 21 most common causes of hair loss:

1. There can be a lot of reasons for hair loss. Starting from stress and ending in some serious diseases. All of them demand your attention.

2. Physical stress. Often hair falls out from constant stresses at work or at home. Of course, if the stress was just one time, then the recovery will not keep you waiting. However, if the stress has already passed into a chronic form, then the vessels of the scalp are greatly adored, the blood circulation is noticeably weakened, and the hair begins to fall out intensively.

3. Pregnancy. Hormonal changes can lead to big hair loss. Pregnancy is the cause number one for hormonal changes. Many women also notice hair problems after childbirth. They can begin 1-4 weeks after childbirth and last for several months.

4. Too much vitamin A. Increased level of vitamin A in your body can weaken your hair, so you will lose it too much.

5. Lack of protein. If you do not eat enough foods containing protein, this can lead to weakening of your hair. You should add more foods rich in protein to your diet.

6. Male pattern baldness. The statistics show that two of three men face the problem of hair loss after becoming forty years old. This can be because of heredity or hormone failures in the body.

7. Heredity. If hair loss is a common situation in your family, you will also face this problem. However, more often women can have thin hair and not see big hair loss.

8. Female hormones. Birth-control pills can change your hormonal background and can lead to hair loss. Also, menopause can provoke hair losing process.

9. Emotional stress. stress can lead to hair loss straight after appearing of stressing situation. The best way is to remove stress and to relax.

10. Anemia. The statistics shows that one in ten women can suffer from this disease. If your hair starts falling out too much, test your blood.

11. Hypothyroidism. Problems with your thyroid gland can lead to this problem. Consult your doctor and find out whether your thyroid gland works properly.

12. Vitamin B deficiency. Low vitamin B level can lead to hair loss. If you have this problem, you should add more foods containing vitamin B to your diet.

13. Autoimmune-related hair loss. If your immune system is overactive, you can have rapid hair loss. In this case you should immediately consult a doctor.

14. Dramatic weight loss. Such weight loss can be a trauma for your body and a lack of vitamins. So, your hair can get injured in the results.

15. Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy almost always make people lose their hair.

16. Polycystic ovary syndrome. This disease affects hormonal background in the body and the person can start losing hair.

17. Antidepressants, blood thinners, and more. Many drugs have a bad effect on the scalp and hair.

18. Over styling. If you are over-styling your hair, it can become weak and you can lose your hair.

19. Trichotillomania. This is a kind of disorders, when a person constantly plays and pulls his hair. His hair can become thin and this leads to hair loss.

20. Aging. A lot of women start losing their hair after fifty years old. This is a very common situation.

21. Anabolic steroids. These steroids can lead to hair loss. If you face this problem, try to avoid using anabolic steroids.

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